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Working in partnership with our local community has been a great opportunity for GXO/Sainsbury to forge close links with South Lanarkshire College while supporting Horticulture students and giving them an opportunity to work and learn from a business environment during their studies.

This initiative has given all parties the opportunity to offer creative ways for innovative solutions and to look forward to new ones!

Alan Brown, Senior Manager at GXO

We recently completed training with West College Scotland to help our business expand into the renewable energy industry. The course was very well presented, and all the staff were first class in their approach.

I look forward to working with them again in the future.

Paul Campbell, Director, Campbell Gas

Glasgow Clyde College supported our team to think differently about how innovation can enhance our business. They’ve encouraged us to explore new opportunities for growth. 

Craig Steele, Director of Digital Skills Education

McTaggart Construction is proud to be a partner of Glasgow Kelvin College.

Our partnership has not only provided high quality training, upskilling and apprenticeship for McTaggart but has provided support to dozens of our supply chain partners, which has been crucial in supporting the demand and technology changes faced in our sector.

Ross Hammell, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, McTaggart Construction